Date(s): Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Time: 5:15 pm - 7:00 pm
Myranda Fuentes, Institutional History Research Specialist, Rauner Special Collections Library
Myranda will give us an overview of the Historical Accountability Student Research Program including its origin story. She will talk about one particular project as an example of what the students are doing, and then summarize all the current and past projects.
The HASRP objective is for the students to “confront and learn from the past” at Dartmouth including topics like physical accessibility, early 20th Century female faculty, and where Black and Jewish students lived on the campus from 1930-43.
The “past” for the students may be years when DCUV members were on campus, so the photos and manuscripts and oral histories in the digital exhibits may be of great interest to all of you.
The fall DCUV monthly talks will continue to use the Zoom platform. Join the Zoom meetings after 5:15 pm, to chat and settle in to Zoom. Zoom links will be sent in future emails.
We ask that once you have joined the meeting and it’s time for the speaker you turn off your video and audio. The speakers will start at 5:30. We will check with each speaker about their willingness to record their presentations.